FÊNIX NEGRA: Vazam fotos das refilmagens com Magneto e Xavier!

Ainda sem trailer, X-Men: Fênix Negra permanece um mistério, mas a poucos minutos, vazaram fotos das refilmagens do longa, ao que parece ser uma cena de diálogo entre Magneto e Professor X. Confira:

Old friends: James McAvoy and Michael Fassbender were spotted at a Montreal cafe, undergoing reshoots on 20th Century Fox's X-Men: Dark Phoenix

Some chess between friends: Fassbender was seen carrying a chess board to the table, where he meets his old friend, as they continue their longtime pastime of playing chess

Back story: These chess matches between Professor X and Magneto have become a running thread throughout the X-Men franchise

O filme tem previsão de estreia para 14 de fevereiro de 2019.